Archive for bc43xx

How to make the Broadcom 4312 Wireless driver work in BackTrack 4 on the Lenovo S10

Posted in BackTrack, Lenovo S10, Linux (Ubuntu) with tags , , , , , , , on September 25, 2009 by HydTech

This guide is adapted from Kazalku’s guide on remote exploit forums. Thanks Kazalku.

Download this driver and transfer it with a USB or boot up into another OS on your multiboot and save it in the BT root folder from here.

Untar it:

tar -xvzf hybrid-portsrc-x86_32-v5_10_91_9-3.tar.gz

make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd`

Insert the modules:
modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
insmod wl.ko

Now you should have the network Claimed. you can check by:
lshw -C network

Bring it up:
ifconfig eth1 up

To load the module upon boot:

cp wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/wireless
depmod -a
modprobe wl

Load the module at every startup:
kate /etc/modules

add the following and close the text editor:

Load NetworkManager and Configure KnetworkManager:
Type NetworkManager in a konsole and configure the wireless at the bottom right.

Delete the files you created in the root folder now that you dont need them.