How to make the Broadcom 4312 Wireless driver work in BackTrack 4 on the Lenovo S10

This guide is adapted from Kazalku’s guide on remote exploit forums. Thanks Kazalku.

Download this driver and transfer it with a USB or boot up into another OS on your multiboot and save it in the BT root folder from here.

Untar it:

tar -xvzf hybrid-portsrc-x86_32-v5_10_91_9-3.tar.gz

make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd`

Insert the modules:
modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip
insmod wl.ko

Now you should have the network Claimed. you can check by:
lshw -C network

Bring it up:
ifconfig eth1 up

To load the module upon boot:

cp wl.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/wireless
depmod -a
modprobe wl

Load the module at every startup:
kate /etc/modules

add the following and close the text editor:

Load NetworkManager and Configure KnetworkManager:
Type NetworkManager in a konsole and configure the wireless at the bottom right.

Delete the files you created in the root folder now that you dont need them.

10 Responses to “How to make the Broadcom 4312 Wireless driver work in BackTrack 4 on the Lenovo S10”

  1. Bill Bartmann Says:

    Your site was extremely interesting, especially since I was searching for thoughts on this subject last Thursday.

  2. […] HydTech anotha hyd anotha day « How to make the Broadcom 4312 Wireless driver work in BackTrack 4 on the Lenovo S10 […]

  3. Hey Hyd, I followed your steps but the module doesn’t exit and the filename changed a bit. I tried to get around it but I keep failing, do u have the original file that will make this tutorial work? Or a way around it? Thanks!

  4. shaktisila Says:

    i have a laptop with broadcom wireless. My laptop is acer 2920z. I have try to install my wireless driver. But i always failed in step
    “modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip”. always fatal error and module not found. Please, help me!!!!!!!. Thanks

  5. Joy I. Link Says:

    I have some trouble with seeing your site properly in the most recent release of Opera. It’s fine in Explorer 7 and Firefox though.Have a great day.

  6. sweet

  7. I have a problem when input command modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip…

    In my computer, there no ieee80211_crypt_tkip, but just 80211_crypt_tkip.. When I try make command modprobe 80211_crypt_tkip, nothing happened???
    Can you help me, how to activate my Broadcom???

  8. Hola, estaba intentando poner el driver de la Broadcom y no hay caso.
    Desde el make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd` que me sale
    make: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-source-′
    make: *** No rule to make target `Backtrack’. Stop.
    make: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-source-′
    y queda ahi y no puedo seguir. Que puede ser???


  9. my broadcom doesn’t work. i have download the driver and make it in flash usb but the system dosn’t find them. also i connected my pc to the modem with a cable but doesn’t work.
    please help me ………

  10. I will try to this, my Inspiron 14r has Broadcom on it and I can’t to packet injection..:(

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